Lazarus Sliding Staircase
naturally I plan to kill
again and again-
stab the wounds
till I’m just scar/
like some deranged phoenix
over and over-
from the pulp and pit-
a newborn-
wallowing in the shit
to preach of a new world-
only to get chewed-out
by reality and die over/
lift up and raise arms
against the fleeting masses
as they flank me
and fuck me with their fingers
and cutout smiles-
I turn the gun to my chin
and can’t hear
the click/
here again
like a dream
recurring like
a dream recurring
like a dream recurring/
I wake up-
I jump out the window
the fucking earth
I hit the soft
cushy grass
and stare
at the laughing moon
and try to touch its face
with my finger/
it turns itself away-
like a pouting
chub-faced cherub-
and the pimpled
cold-shoulder to the sun
creates a night
still darker and still/
I dig a hole
with my hands-
bare and bloody-
six feet down-
but there is nobody
there to bury me-
I swallow the dirt
and choke on it/
I have dirt on my face
and in my mouth-
I talk in mud
and weeds grow
out my ears-
until finally
I become a tree-
karma is a plant-
and when the harpy
comes with a saw-
blood pours forth-
so I can say “ouch”
before going timber/
and down/
the circles/
are an endless/
staircase going/
further on and on/
but going nowhere/
and each life is just/
another chance to die/
another chance to die again/