Ode to Childhood


Swinging serenely in my growth,

Rocking readily in this chair-

Outside on my front porch,

Gently moving in the air.

I Remember a time

Far in my memory-

It peaks its head out as I swing

Back and forth, so serenely.


Oh, I remember a house

And kids, my friends,

We hung around the neighborhood;

Now their mostly dead.

Buried and forgotten,

Except with me.

Until I die too,

They will remain to be.


The large house across the street,

Belonged to a girl, Mary-

She had the biggest yard

And was very wealthy.

We all loved her yard

For it held many things-

Plenty of trees, a pool, a slide;

And a bunch of swings.


And every day, I would go and swing-

Up and down, higher and higher.

Try to touch the world’s ceiling

And launch off to become a flier-

Into the air

I would hope to go

Forever forward

And never so slow.


The memory pierces-

For now I’m old and gray

All my loves are gone

And soon I will away.

When my soul soars

Will it tear the air?

No, my soul is weak like me-

Unfeeling, tough, bare.



The past child-an imp of chance-

A different person entirely-

Reached the heavens with his hand

And dreams of fame and eternity.

For all my accomplished goals and regrets,

I can now see the absolute truth0

That I never flew so high

As I did in my youth!


Just want to write in peace


A Fresh Start


Lazarus Sliding Staircase