The Ghost Word
If someone were to tell you-
“It’s never truly as it seems…”
Are you a rational positivist?
Or a believer in the occult arts?
Either way-
belief is nonessential
in the ghostly realm-
for it is real,
though unreal in substance-
not spirit, not ectoplasm-
for it is empty of matter.
If it was made up of some essence
it would not be the ghost world.
Do not confuse it with magic
and the deceased lingering shadows.
The ghost world is everything
in between sensory relays-
it’s the blind spots hiding
sometimes vital information-
or that note that isn’t played
that every musician hears
while the layman misses completely./
We are not all musicians
and we fail to see the ghosts
hiding just behind our ears-
when we finally
become aware
we want to unhear-
For with awareness of the ghosts
comes awareness of the curses.
We see bullet holes yet to be filled-
cancers delivering decay on delay-
we see the calamities of everyday
conversations and
the horrible loneliness
behind those smiles-
in between two bodies
just gravitational forces-
and tiny black holes in each cell-
All Lives are just future deads./
And time is lost never gained-
a mystery to be sure with one surety-
in time all things pass
The Ghost world is a vortex of things
Put aside, the fears and truths-
willfully overlooked-
woefully discovered
its never the Zombies-
who are deceased-
or other monsters from the grave-
It is the “real” world
the ego rejects
by creating one big lie instead
all for its own self preservation.