The Will of Nemesis(i went too hard)
I am at the library just writing cause I don’t have anything better to do…I do but this obstacle is always in the way. Nemesis. Formally, Majeep, Majeed, TKD, or just the “conspiracy.” That sounds big right? Conspiracy against moi?
Nemesis is the conglomeration of people who have invaded and debased my entire life. I upended it(I admit it and am responsible). Nemesis exists just to make sure to use flamethrowers every once in a while to make sure nothing is left alive. I would have recovered twenty times if it wasn’t for Nemesis.
This is the fight for my life therefore I will fight no matter death or imprisonment. I will never give up. This will not just go away because I am not going away. We all have to pay the tribute of Karmic action. I paid with blood. I only ask for Nemesis to pay with honesty.
$100 given to me for no reason…I take it. Is Gray just thinking this will fill the hole he has left in my fucking heart? He cannot have me pay for anything. Why? Because, to him, if he gives me money for the things I buy for the house with my own freewill, then I do not own anything and I do not have the rights of a human. And it would have been true. But now, it has continued passed a point that I cannot defend it. $100 is not the money you pay me back with, it is blood money to wash away your guilt for the things done to me. $100 is for the constant spying and harassing and the constant HATE thrown in my face as if I was actually a piece of shit, not a human being. And although to you, and the rest of Nemesis, this is true, it is not true to one person…guess who?
“If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.”
Shakespeare may be too intellectual for these fools but surely they can read this and understand…I am human….I am not even a monster in the slightest sense. What the fuck did I do to deserve this treatment? And what kind of moron would continuously and openly do this for 11-12-13 years? I don’t know how long, my whole life? Yes, I KNOW, as you say all the fucking time, and what would you do in this same situation?
I cannot expect anything from these imbeciles other then to repeat the same shit over and over and over with no reprecussions because they will always fall back on the “gaslight tactic.”
So I am going to write it plainly here. They have been defaming my character for so long that it becomes hard to tell the truth from fact. The fact is they have spied on me in my room and the bathroom and use speakers openly to gaslight me into thinking I am hearing voices. They have continuously fell back on this when I “ACT UP” to put me in my place. It has worked for many reasons. One primary reason is because I am a weak and gullible fool. 12-15-20 years of this shit, though, I will no longer trust the better judgement of anyone in a higher position of power. They do not believe me because of STIGMA and because it is the best explanation. “it must be in his head” yeah. “Nobody would do this.” ok. “Do you think them capable.” Of course not!
But Sherlock, the fictional character, is famous for saying something. “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” If you are too stupid, my Nemesis, to understand this, it means trying to gaslight me forever will not work. I have worked diligently and, oh boy, everything I envision in my “delusion” is absolutely possible. And I have proven this to be fact.
Improbable as it may be, no other truth is necessary other then “what next?” I guess, “lets continue for another ten years!” that is what you want, that is what you think, and that is what you are planning, unless, of course, their is another plan, which i know you do not have, of creating an opening for my demise. Or maybe you did, but that went on the backburner when you realized “that is murder.”
This is the truth. You want me dead. You have striven with the upmost to make me think I am hearing voices when I can hear who it is (yes I know all of you!) and have detailed records of each time you use your communication system. I do not have the place or can point it out, but i have proof and i have the footprint. All I have to do is pursue this. And if you think it is my fucking pleasure to do so, what are you doing? Are you not paying attention?
All i want to do is be left the fuck alone and play video games and fap, yes fap sometimes, without my colors telling me to kill myself in the next room….You are doing this. Stop lying, it doesn’t matter. Tell the truth. I will pursue this defamation regardless now, no matter what. But, it can just be easier if we do not do this in such a way. I would much rather prefer not to blow up (yes, blow up is the right expression) your fucking lives! I cannot be cancelled. But you can….And if i pursue this, it will go the distance into the darkest corners of all our darling minds. I am the victim of ABUSE and everyone will know. I will scream it from the tallest mountains. Do you think people will not empathize with the shit I put up with? The suffering? The hospitals? All this fucking time, countless lies, the biggest case of gaslighting through the most horendous fucking means.
I’m innocent of (almost) every crime. So….i was a drug addict. But other than that, you damn right know, I am not a threat and have done nothing.
At this point, since I know you have read this website, yet have no idea if you have read this yet, I will act with the theory (and I have many unproven, but God how many are proven) that you have defamed me to such an extent that your guilt is so ugly, raw, and real that there is no going back. If that is the case, God help us all.
(funny note…before getting communion during mass, one should always go to confession first. Even I know that. What are you even doing? God and I have had are ups and downs, but I can assure you, I am just as much his son as you are his child. The Prodigal Son, maybe, but the point of that parable was to show that a person who knows they have sinned and are now ASKING for some forgiveness, should be given grace. This is the holy way. To reject the pleas of suffering is not the holy way. I am not holy…but one cannot talk about good and evil without some fucking understanding of the topics at hand. Please read the Bible and stop using the pages as blunt paper.)