Kwwaard's Place

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And Just like a Hurricane…

4-5-24 …its like a hurricane blowing me around. Upside down. Give me some cocaine so i can come down….

I don’t know…Gold and Silver went down the shore with the rest of the metals and Nemsis is biting me all the time with these fucking voices! A speaker here, and there, and there, but not in plain sight or reachable. They are mocking me right now as i right on my CB i bought. Can they see? I am using the wifi but have a VPN.

Now…the question is…is it Seagul to “monitor” “spie” or whatever you want to call it on another person. The answer always NO! There is no exceptions when you are a fucking civilian. Nobody is committing a crime (well,, not on my side anyway) so what the fuck is the point of watching me and mocking me at the same time!

Abuse. That is what its called. That is what is happening. I do not hear what they say anymore. All i hear is “oh that sounds like Silver, that sounds like Copper, that is Zinc, that is Lead, is that Iron? prolly” I hear WHO, not What, because to me it is not a fucking conversation, it is stalking…it is abusive taunting and mocking and harrassing. I am HOME, where i LIVE. It may be not owned by me, but by the rules that govern us, i am a legal tenant with rights.

They have broken every fucking right and stripped me of my voice…or tried to to. They tried to strip me of my life too…

But no matter, i will fight. Until i am dead, i will fight this injustice.

(so this is anonomyous, or at least not using names and nobody even knows about this. If they see it now, just understand, this is not real….its only in your head…)