I’m kinda tired
I’m a quiet person. Keep to myself. I am tired of constant exposure. I’m like an undeveloped film, even a little will make me go dark.
And so i have to deal with a situation that my scumbag past self had to create. Fuck you Kwwaard from the past, you suck. You made bad decisions. You really do not know what you are doing and i hate you.
You handed me shit and now i’m going to make lemonaid….or die….idk…
So, i need to make money is pretty high on the list. Find a place to live. possibly face of in a battle of arguments with colors (depending on how bad the situation is) and they might be logging next winter…inside metaphor.
I don’t want anything except peace but apperently that is “tooooo hard” to give and that is what she said.
“Laughter is the soul’s least patriotic act” i wrote that in some poem that i found and i do not know what the hell it means. So past Kwwaard also wrote things too and they are weird. He sucks by the way.
Okay, that the end of this post.