7-8-24 Nemsis is still at it

I can’t tell you how I feel. The content doesn’t matter. The context is what is the matter.

Nemsis continues to torture me psychologically. This page isn’t visited by anyone. Hell, i don’t think the know about it….

But, if i plan to do what i plan to do, this may be a vital piece.

You see…when i try to get some sort of help through this or that means, people just stop listening and think i’m crazy. Like, what I am experiencing is a mental issue. And it is a mental issue, don’t get me wrong! I am schizoaffective and have a problem with paranioa and even hearing things that aren’t real.

But, listen to this. Just because the latter is true, does not mean the former is not true! This is bullshit! I am being put into a box that i cannot escape and that is how Nemsis controls me. I have seen it at work in the past. They are tricking me to do something….then act innocent and point at me as the problem.

My brain is not making this up. I hear more then exists sure. and i may have paranoid ideas that are too extreme, sure. But the fact is, these things are happening. They are doing it. and i am really…..torn by what to do…


Just want to write in peace


7-29-24 What is the point?


Last time on…