are vowels and y
sometimes is one too-
when it doesn’t lie.
A dog is different than a cat-
one barks and one meows,
but no matter how one chats,
when pricked we all go “Yeaow!”
Earth orbits a great fiery ball-
we call our ball the sun.
In the morning it rises, at night falls-
this cycle is never done.
It shall repeat the same way
everyday until it burns dry
going completely dark one day-
everything will die.
But right now you’re alive
and will be long dead
before that horrible day will arrive-
so don’t worry your little head.
There are many ways to die
but only one way to live-
you always must strive
if you can’t: just survive.
The slings and arrows
will come from places
that may cause sorrow
and the mocking faces.
But true cowardice
is letting others bully you
and letting it suffice
as if it is deserved and true.
Bullies are like peaches-
soft on the outside
and an ugly pit in each-
made of cyanide.
And most are just plain rotten-
they insist on ignoring
their own rot within
so they find weak for the picking.
Sometimes the best medicine
for those menacing voices
is the same exact poison-
fight noise with noises.