My pseudonym is Kwwaard. I am a writer. I will be posting my poetry and writing here. My experiences as a bipolar person, a drug addict, and a human being.

This website will also be used as a sort of repository for pieces of writing. I do not have anything from college and I got rid of so much. What remains is mostly poetry. So I will have to grow my “portfolio” from absolute scratch.

Also this is not “for” anyone specifically. In fact, it is more for myself. By having a website, I can access and show everything I am and write. If I wanted something hidden, I can make it private. Mostly everything is out in the open so it can breath. Whether anyone reads anything matters very little.

As of 2/9/25 For real guys, all the people who read this!

…Hopefully you understand that this is a joke.

This is a blog that i created with zero intent, at least now, for anyone to see. And involves personal writing that may come off as some way, but is just stupid ass fucking Bullshit. I just wanted a backup of myself. An imprint. Something leftover. And this was going to be it.

But…I just cannot stop being sidetracked by potential cyberbullying, harassment, stalking, etc. that seems to be occurring. For real.

This is one of five repositories i have to let go and just write. I use this to post some more finite things, like the poetry. But i intended it to be my blog.

Unfortunately, i have to do EVERYTHING in my POWER to hide what i write from these prying eyes.

So…in a sense, thank you Nemsis….you gave me an audience. I hope you enjoyed reading every fucking word i ever wrote.