My pseudonym is Kwwaard. I am a writer. I will be posting my poetry and writing here. My experiences as a bipolar person, a drug addict, and a human being.
This website will also be used as a sort of repository for pieces of writing. I do not have anything from college and I got rid of so much. What remains is mostly poetry. So I will have to grow my “portfolio” from absolute scratch.
Also this is not “for” anyone specifically. In fact, it is more for myself. By having a website, I can access and show everything I am and write. If I wanted something hidden, I can make it private. Mostly everything is out in the open so it can breath. Whether anyone reads anything matters very little.
I also have plenty of material for a book if someone would love to give me an advance or, as the classical world did it, be my patron. I need to write in peace and I cannot. I have a very troubling life and I can write! I swear! Send me an email if you want to send me money : ) (this is a joke obviously nobody even knows about this website and I am a fool…)
Right now, I have lost so much meaning in my life and am going into a very depressing place. My life is a joke and, if I’m not going to get the JUSTICE…, nobody else even fucking cares. All will be left is my words.